Oregon offers some warm areas where cold-hardy palm trees can thrive. The state is divided into several regions with climates ranging from temperate to drier semi-arid, and its weather is significantly influenced by the Pacific Ocean.
Average January temperatures span from 25°F (–4°C) to 45°F (7°C), while average July temperatures vary from 5°F (18°C) to 78°F (26°C).
In the Cascades region, annual snowfall ranges from 300 inches (760 cm) to 550 inches (1,400 cm) each year. Oregon has recorded its highest temperature at 119°F (48°C) and its lowest at –54°F (–48°C). USDA hardiness zones in Oregon encompass a range from 4b to 9b.
Growing Palm Trees in Oregon
Because Oregon includes areas falling within zones 8 and 9, there is ample opportunity for the successful cultivation of cold-hardy palm species in the state. Here are palm trees that can grow in Oregon:
- California Fan Palm Tree – Zones 8b -11 (15 to 20 F)
- Canary Island Date Palm Tree – Zones 8b -11 (15 to 20 F)
- Chinese Fan Palm Tree – Zones 8a – 11 (10 to 15 F)
- True Date Palm Tree – Zones 8b -11 (15 to 20 F)
- European Fan Palm Tree – Zones 7b – 11 (5 to 10 F)
- Mexican Fan Palm Tree – Zones 8b -11 (15 to 20 F)
- Queen Palm Tree – Zones 8b -11 (15 to 20 F)
- Saw Palmetto Palm Tree – Zones 7a -11 (0 to 5 F)
- Silver Saw Palmetto Palm Tree – Zones 7a – 11 (0 to 5 F)
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Major Cities in Oregon
Bend – Hardiness Zone 5a
Eugene – Hardiness Zone 7b
Medford – Hardiness Zone 7b
Portland – Hardiness Zone 9a
Salem – Hardiness Zone 7b
Hi, Katrin
As a longtime resident in Oregon, I immediately noticed a gross error in the average temperature span you stated for July.
You stated a span of 5 degrees Fahrenheit to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. I’ve even hiked to the top of Mt. McLaughlin in mid-summer and could have cooked an egg on the rocks, so I’m wondering where you got that July temperature span information. I do know that palm trees won’t survive up there, however, due to sub-zero winter temps. But in the valleys they grow beautifully. You may want to change that temp span info.
I live in southern Oregon where winters are generally mild and summers are hot….and lots of palm trees can be seen in the valley where Medford is located. I do want to plant a couple in my front yard and I was wanting to know what varieties are best suited for my location. I suspect spring is a good time to plant so I’m making my plans now.
Thanks …
I live in Mosier, Oregon and I want to plant palm trees in my yard. I’m not sure what my hardiness is and which ones I should plant. Any advice would be great!
Thank you, Cyndie Pierce
I love in medford, oregon (hardy zone is 7b) do you know if pindo palm trees will survive in medford?